
Our Future

"Regeneration speaks to our future in multiple layers."
Over twenty years ago, Cathy and I came to First Baptist Church with our three children to begin an exciting adventure. We dreamed then of being able to serve God and see First Baptist Church grow in Christlikeness, to increase in strength, and prosper in serving God’s Kingdom around the world. We have seen many blessings through these years. We rejoice because First Baptist has church members serving in missions on four continents, a great group of volunteers helping children in our inner city, and lives are daily being shaped on our campus by the power of the gospel.
I was only six when my life was first touched by First Baptist by our school through caring teachers like Carolyn Koopman and Kay Willingham. The lives of thousands of children including my own have been enriched by First Baptist Church because thoughtful Christians chose to invest in young people. Today our church is at a fascinating intersection that will shape our future. Our Long Range Planning team has prepared us to embark on a journey to renew and renovate our campus in order to reach the next generations.
Regeneration speaks to our future in multiple layers. First and most importantly, regeneration is a biblical term describing the work of Jesus Christ as his grace transforms our lives. Titus 3:5 offers the picture: “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to his mercy, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing by the Holy Spirit.” Without the regenerating work of Christ on our behalf, there would be no church for us, no future for us, no hope for the world.
Beyond the scriptural meaning of the word, regeneration also describes new life. Our goal in this campaign and beyond is to lay a foundation for new life in First Baptist Church for the next century and beyond. The purpose of Regeneration is to pass the faith from one generation to the next, so they can pass it forward again.
The Regeneration Campaign calls every member of the First Baptist Family to be a part of the spiritual, practical, and personal components of building the future for First Baptist Church. With over three centuries of history before us, we have a unique opportunity most churches never see. Regeneration builds on our heritage to reach the generations who follow. We have asked God to guide us, and our hearts are knit together to honor him and do his will.
- Marshall Blalock, Pastor